Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Book bag, literally

I heard about these book bags this morning on NPR.

Aren't they cool?

"The Magic Garden"

"War and Peace"

A calculus textbook :)

Sorry Marie, no OED purses.


  1. I've seen similar purses before being sold on Etsy. You can literally take any hardback book (one made from a favorite book when you were a child would be fun) and have it made into a clutch bag.

    The reader in me is a bit appalled at gutting something so sacred as a book (no sacrilege meant) but the crafter/recycler in me squeals with delight seeing something that may have been doomed to sit in bargain bins and rummage sales forever have a new lease on life.

  2. I love it! I love to read, but I often buy beloved books more because I want to display my smarts for my visitors than because I really plan on re-reading the book (for reading purposes, I'm completely contented with the public libraries). So the book becomes little more than a clutterous decoration. With the book purse, however, I can get a *functional object* that simultaneously advertises my intellectual pretensions. And not just to people who happen to visit me -- to EVERYONE ON THE STREET!

