Thursday, September 4, 2008

"The unveiling of the veiled ... something"

Photos of my veil tasting with my new roommate, Jen (dark hair), and my "old" roommate, Kort.

Title courtesy of Yancy.

I can't do a tiara for moral reasons, but I'm liking the headband.


  1. The veil you're wearing is gorgeous, but I think it might be too long and ornamented for your dress? I'm not sure about the other two -- it's hard to know w/o seeing them with the dress.

    I LOVE the headband. Especially against your red hair.

  2. You know, just ignore all my previous babbling on this blog. You can't really know if things look good until you actually try them. And there's nothing inherently wrong with foof. As long as it's foof in the right place, at the right time. :)

    Okay. I'm DONE NOW. Post more pictures.

  3. Oooh, I like the headband.
