Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Six Months

Last week, I woke up with that awful feeling that I'd overslept -- the room was just too light -- and had the following conversation with my groggy self.

I need to be somewhere. Where do I need to be?

[Brain turning over like an old car, lots of racket but no ignition.]

Class. I need to be in class. Which class?High school . . . ? No, I remember graduating high school.* College . . . ? No, wait, I think I remember graduating from college too.


If it's not class, it must be work. Where do I work? [Blank.] Oh man, where do I work? . . . Hold on, I don't have a job.
No job? What?!? [Panic]

Wait. . . that's on purpose. I have a baby. 

Six months ago today Baby Z was born, bringing the most drastic, permanent change I've ever experienced. So, to appreciate every moment, I am going to try to post one observation each day this week about how my life is different.

First Observation: Regularity**
One awesome perk about being at home is that when nature calls, I never have to send her to voice mail.

No more heading to the ladies room with my fingers crossed that it's empty. No more wishing the person doing her makeup would find another mirror. No more sneaking into that bathroom on another floor where no one knows me.

It's my bathroom, I clean it, and I use it whenever I feel like it. Awesome.

* I thank heaven often that high school is over forever.
** Miya, I hope this doesn't qualify me for unfriending!


  1. I have recurring dreams that I've been registered for a class all semester but haven't attended one session and am now facing the professor to work things out. I guess that school stress is enduring, at least in sleepiness.

    Also, I always feel like I can't go to the bathroom during the day because I can't monitor everyone if I'm in an entirely different room! Maybe I need to relax a little bit.

  2. Hi Ames! I wonder if you get those stress dreams because school was the first thing that seriously stressed you out. Even though your stressors are different as an adult, your brain still associates that feeling with school.

    A friend of mine got in the habit of leaving the bathroom door open when she had little kids at home, until one day her daughter brought a neighbor in through the side door, which faced straight into the bathroom where Friend was sitting. Pretty funny -- like ten years later.

  3. I love you, Leah. Only a new mom with a great sense of humor would begin her list of "great things about giving up the work world for stay-at-home motherhood" with "regularity." Ha! (Oh, and that picture is so adorable I can hardly stand it.)

  4. From Erin:
    I must admit I was not expecting regularity to be one of your significant changes since becoming a mother! Glad you are free to do your business now- I'm interested to hear if your regularity continues once the little man can walk and follow you into the bathroom, either staring at you or unrolling the toilet paper. And I still get those school dreams too, about failing some class I don't ever remember attending. Hate those.

  5. Six months is my favorite age of my babies. I think baby cuteness peaks then.

    I worked in an office where on most days I was the only female in the building. It was glorious as far as the bathroom situation was concerned.

  6. Pfft, you've have to dedicate an entire blog to a Baby Z diaper blowout complete with pictures for me to unfriend you! XD

    I can't stand using a public restroom if there's anyone else in there! I'm probably one of the few girls who actually cringes when another girl says, "You're going to the bathroom? I'll come with you!" I feel like shouting, "WOMAN, I CANNOT GO IF I KNOW YOU ARE LISTENING!"
