Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Business Trip to San Diego

My trip to San Diego was a lot of fun, but there weren't a lot of great photo opps. Here's a few pics to tell the story of my trip.

Probably the greatest acheivement of my trip is this:

For the first time, I ran five continuous miles. The extra .23 came from walking to cool down. I was so sweaty!

Now, this may not seem exciting, but what I am holding is a PORT KEY!!!

Well, actually it's the key to the Porthole room, where we had a bunch of meetings. I got all excited about the Harry Potter allusion, and then right after taking the picture I remembered that HP uses portkeys not porthole keys. Oops.

Yes, B, I've misquoted something again.

This was my magnificent breakfast: mint herbal tea, yogurt with a little granola and the most beautiful bowl of fruit ever.

One day, as we were loading these buses full of students we noticed something odd. Do you see it?

The BMW logo. David, when did BMW go into the business of 56-passenger buses? I don't imagine you'd pretend to be car shopping just to test drive one of these.
Finally, the night I came home, Yancy had a candle light dinner set up and had taken the day off to get the house clean. What more could a girl want?


  1. Um....don't you mean Mercedes Benz? That is not a BMW logo my sweet cousin....

  2. Sun Diego? Well, I guess it tends to be sunny'd think someone would have caught that!

  3. Mercedes! Oops. Now I can't decide whether to revise my post or leave the mistake in there for everyone to enjoy.

    I am a serial confuser. All the time I ask Yancy if he wants potato chips when I'm holding out a bag of tortilla chips, as a kid I always said turkey when I meant chicken or chicken when I meant turkey, and I never ever get movie quotes correct. I'm always just a word or two off.

    Those are pretty big mistakes for someone who enjoys editing so much :)

  4. In my book, five miles on a treadmill equals at least 7 miles outdoors. Way to go.

    When one of your childhood friends was afraid of something, would you call him a turkey? And did you ever write "Chicken" on a European geography test? I hope so.

    My son Zachary always confuses Halloween and Easter. He recently told me that he wanted to "be a vampire for Easter egging."
