Friday, October 2, 2009

I'm not even being chased

Last time I was jogging consistently was in 2004, and I ran BYU's Rex Lee Run, mostly because I wanted the t-shirt.
(Flag Football Girls, why did T-shirts motivate us so much?)

Here are photos Sarah, my roommate, took when I came home. I don't have any pics from the race because I was too embarrassed to tell anyone I running.

Well, I've decided to run a 15K on December 19.

15K = 9.32056788 miles

Any advice for a novice? I'd love tips on gear, running in the cold, training and all the things I haven't thought to worry about yet.


  1. Hooray! I wish I was running with you. I haven't been running for too long to admit. When Amy and I ran last, we found this awesome training schedule online. Good luck and have fun! That sounds like to perfect length for a race....long, but not too long. :)

  2. I would still do a lot of things for a t-shirt, including running a race!

    Go to a nice running store and have yourself fitted for the right shoes. I did that the first time, and I've gone through three pairs of the same exact model (purchased online, they're about $20 cheaper).

    Also, about running in the cold: an ideal temperature for a long distance run is about 40 degrees, so you don't really need to bundle up all that much. Just make sure to stretch well and wear gloves and one of those fleece headbands (mainly for your ears).

    Leah, you're getting me so excited that I can't even stand it! Good luck!

  3. I saw an episode of 'The Office' where they ran a 5K for a Rabies charity. Some of the employees hailed a taxi and ended up riding in it to a restaurant for awhile, and then caught another one to the finish line.

    That's about all I've got...

    But good luck all the same.

  4. I'd take Amy's advice- she's a running fanatic! I just love that shot of you in the apartment, brought back memories! Remember when we used to drive to Sconecutters in the middle of the night?

  5. you better be being chaste...wait a minute, ah...dang homonyms...never mind.
